Complete Set of 6 100% Pure Essential Oils
Complete Set of 6 100% Pure Essential Oils
Complete set of six (6) 100% Pure Essential Oils for those who
simply want to have access to all Essential Oils at any given time.
This consists of Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint,
Roman Chamomile & Tea Tree.
EUCALYPTUS : its warming effect is great for relieving aches and
pains while its sharp aroma is an effective decongestant, increases
concentration and lifts feelings of depression.
LAVENDER : a versatile and popular Essential Oil, whose calming
properties is particularly known for its ability to relax and promote
restful sleep. Its soothing effects also make it an effective skin healer.
LEMON : its properties are found to be antiseptic, astringent,
bacteriostatic, and rejuvenating. It has also been found effective
in cases of skin care, anxiety and digestive problems.
PEPPERMINT : it is well-known for its cooling and refreshing
characteristics. Its stimulating and analgesic properties make it an
effective remedy for muscular pains and headaches, and acts as a
very good mental stimulant.
ROMAN CHAMOMILE : endowed with an overall calming effect for
the stressed mind and tense body. This therapeutic profile renders it
useful in gently overcoming feelings of anxiousness and restlessness
and trouble sleeping.
TEA TREE : its powerful antiseptic properties have been proven
effective against a range of bacteria and fungi that can lead to
infection. It also has a strong deodorizing action and is a very popular
ingredient in skin remedies.
FAVORI's 100% Pure Essential Oils can be closely inhaled or applied topically
on the skin, providing specific therapeutic benefits to one's psychological
and physical health.
As a topical or as a rub, it will need to be diluted with our Sweet Almond
Carrier Oil and placed inside our Roller Bottles.
For inhalation, it will need our Inhalation Stick or Diffuser Device to allow